Friday, March 19, 2010

i want dis

Sony Ericson W508

sblm ni nk hndphone bile g survey2...jmpe plak hndphone yg lg best..bestnye kalu dpt hndphone ni..syok n cute...

oren lg tu..

 adus...mmg smart gile r pon ni..skenye..aku akn dapat kn hp ni gk.bile aku nk riki2 hp len.hp aku ni leh wat perangai tau2 je aku nk cri len..ade instinc ke..hahaha...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh Dalja Spring

Lee Min Ki

Mula2 tgk cite ni cm boleh,aku pun tgk la..tgk2 cm best plak..Lee Min Ki ni jd Taebong dlm cite ni.mula2 die jmpe heroin tu (Dalja) igtkn die cm jahat,kaki die amk upah sape2 nk jf kn die fake boyfriend..sengal je..sume bnda die cas..lame2 tgk cite tu tgk die cm ensem je..ok la..maybe taste aku cmtu kot..haha (dpt ke??pk sndri la)....kesimpulan yg leh d wat cite ni best's nice if we got someone who luv u more than others n willing to sacrifice 4 u...hohoho...

tp xbest plak cite dr awal dh bhagia tp last2 xbahagia..xbest..biar awal2 tu cm susah sket jln cite last bahagia..cmtu baru best.baru di hargai sb dh mcm2 usaha wat utk capai kbahagiaan tu kn....sounds good....cite cinta aku??huhu...leh wat novel gk la rahsia.hanya org2 tertentu sja yg tahu.dat's my secret...dh tua nnt kalu dh xde kje leh wat novel sndri la plak..kakakakakahhhhhhh...(perasan cite cm best je kn).. =)

sume org pnye jalan cite lain2..ade best ade yg x..hope fully aku leh d kategorikan best la kadang2 bcinta lame2 pun..tgk2 kawen ngn org len..dlu aku punye la poyo sb igt aku leh r stay smpi bile2 ngn 1st mse sek dlu pnye xnk bcinta.keras hati sungguh..padahal bderet yg tgh xtau nape hti aku mse tu ttutup lg.wat la cmne pun.aku xheran pnye..ade yg bg bunga la..aku g cmpk dlm tong.xpun bg roomte aku..kalu mase dedicaton..beratur la atas meje aku tu coklat2 la.(nsb bek xgemuk mse tu)..gula2 la..surat2 sume xjalan.ade siap sgup bnti merokok sb aku ckp xske org merokok..tgu 2 tahun aku mmg keras btol mase tu..bile igt2 balik cm klakar plak.zaman dulu2..pastu skrg tgk blk bdk2 ni ade yg dh kawen pun..semoga dieorg bahagia la kn...

hah..smbung blk cite awal td...(igt 1st leh stay) manusia ni lain2..mase leh ubah sume bnda.smpi skrg aku xset dlm kpale aku ni..bcinta msti kawen ngn org tu..(dh pandai sket r)..huhu..skrg prinsip aku..kalu org tu jodoh aku..walaucmne aku mengelak pun...die ttp akan jd jodoh aku..skrg ni mase utk tgk .....who's d rite person 4 me..hahaha....

owh...owh...owh...dh melencong cite asal..Dalja???cite x abis lg.xleh komen smpai habis ni.tgu habis hopefully die ngn taebong tu..cute aku n ............???? =)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

si tikus yg comellll

cute gile....
aku mmg minat gile ng mickey n minnie ni...
dlu sume barang mickey..
cincin aku pun ade mickey...hahaha....
skrg cm dh xsesuai plak nk pki...
tp aku ttp simpan la......
nk pki skrg cm segan plak...
nnt staff aku msti ckp....
"ape la cik bdk2 je"... jgn nk memalukan diri sndri....
skrg kne r jd cm dewasa sket...haha...
haaaaaa....bru igt..jeans aku pun brand mickey..
siap ade kpale mckey lg kt jeans tu...
jeans yg plg aku syg tu..
mse jmpe dlu jeans tu,cm org gile je..
mse tu xde duit..yela blaja lg...
tp sb nk gk xde duit pun jd ade duit...
aku igt lg..aku g ngn yazid n asma mase tu....
thanks asma n yazid yg melayan karenah aku (sb nk sgt jeans tu kn...haha)..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mane aku nk...

bosan gile......kpale dh xleh nk pk..xde mood la nk wat kje.xtau ape ade dlm kpale ni.pdahal bkn pk papepun.nk kate ade prob xde cm blank.bosan tahap cipan la......adoi..nk kje pun xsmangat.xproductif dh....nk wat cmnni ni.sbnrnye aku cnfius kot.nk truskn ngn PTD or blk ke bidang xleh pk.dh la skrg ssh nk dpt kje.aku risau PTD ni bkn jiwa aku.myb sb aku kne kje kt byk kne bce n faham akta2 sume.bercelaru kpale.....aku bkn ske bace2 ni.dlu mse blaja pun mane bce buku..aku lg ske duk wat math ke...yg libatkan number...walaupun ssh n pning nk wat,tp aku ske.jiwa kt ctu kot......aku ske bnda2 teknikal.yg leh buat n nmpk cmne?nk g engineer tkt plak.aku ade pngalaman 3 bln je.mane pun xnk amk aku kje kot.dh la tgl engineer dkt 2 thn.mane nk ingat dh kalu g interview.cmfm xleh jwp.kne stdy blk....owh.......................cmne ni?mane aku nk g ni..mak ayah aku msti xbg aku lpaskn PTD ni.dh tau dh.dr awal lg die xbg.kalu leh dieorg mmg nk aku stay PTD......lg pning kpale....dh r skrg down je rase.aku sndri rase cm aku dh xproduktif lgsg..xleh pk pape dh or PTD?ape kptsan aku???byk btol persoalan...........

I'm yours~~lala~~

Well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn you’re free

Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love

Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me

Ah, la peaceful melodys

It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won’t hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait I’m sure

There’s no need to complicate

Our time is short

This is our fate, I’m yours

I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror

And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer

But my breath fogged up the glass

And so I drew a new face and laughed

I guess what I’m saying is there ain’t no better reason

To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons

It’s what we aim to do

Our name is our virtue

I won’t hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait I’m sure

There’s no need to complicate

Our time is short

This is our fate, I’m yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn you’re free

Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me

ah, la one big family ([2nd time:] ah, la happy family)

It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won’t hesitate no more

Oh no more no more no more

It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved, I’m sure

Theres no need to complicate

Our time is short

This is our fate, I’m yours

No I won’t hesitate no more, no more

This cannot wait I’m sure

There’s no need to complicate

Our time is short

This is our fate, I’m yours, I’m yours

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2nd genaration

ni la muka2 generasi kedua....
sorg dh kawen...
pasni yg lain akan menyusul....
tp yg pnting skrg kerjaya dlu...
enjoy2 kn diri....
menikmati hidup.....
baru leh pk nak kawen....